General Conditions Of Use

Article 1 - Subject
1. The general terms and conditions herein apply to the use and access to the Superglamourous website, accessible via the following url link:, (hereinafter the "owner"), and are governed by the General Terms and Conditions herein.
2. This site is owned by: GLAM srl, with registered office in Via Filippo Turati 6, 20121, Milan, ITALY VAT No. 08771740969, Registered in the REA, number MI-2047668. Access and use of the site, as well as any purchases of products displayed, implies knowledge and acceptance of the General Conditions of Use.

Article 2 - Changes to Conditions of Use
1. The owner may modify or update the general conditions, in whole or in part. Users will be notified about changes and updates to the general conditions of use on the Home page as soon as they are adopted and any changes made will be binding as soon as they are published on the website in the same section. Access and use of the site implies the user's knowledge and acceptance of the conditions of use.

Article 3 - Intellectual Property
1. The contents on the site, such as, by way of example, works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on the site itself, including menus, web pages, graphics, colours, diagrams, tools, characters and the site design, diagrams, layout, methods, processes, the functions and software that are part of the site, are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of the owner or any third parties contracted. Copyright: reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the site and its contents, without expressed written consent from the owner is expressly forbidden.
2. The user is only authorised to view the site and its contents by using the related services available. The user is also authorised to reproduce the content provided that it is temporary, not for profit, and is part of standard and ordinary use of the site and its contents, as well as other navigation operations on the Site that are performed only for legitimate use.
3. The user is not in any way authorised to perform any reproduction, on any medium, in whole or part of the site and its contents. Any reproduction must be, in each case, authorised by the owner or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained in the site. Such use must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright laws and other intellectual property rights and the rights authors of the individual works contained in the site.

Article 4 - Use of the site and responsibility
1. Access and use of the site, display of web pages, including communication with the owner, download of information on products and purchases on the website, are intended for personal use only and unrelated to any business, entrepreneurial or professional use.
2. The user is personally responsible for the use of the site and its contents. The owner cannot be held liable for improper use of the website and of the contents by each of its users, without prejudice to responsibility for malice and gross negligence. In particular, the user shall bear sole responsibility for communication of information and communication of false information and incorrect data regarding third parties, without their consent; as well as improper use of information.
3. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is at users' risk, therefore, any liability for any damage to computer systems or data loss resulting from download operations shall be borne by the user and shall not be attributed to the owner.
4. The owner declines all responsibility for any damages deriving from inaccessibility of services on the site or from damage caused by viruses, corrupted files, errors, omissions, interruptions to service, deletion of contents, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone connections unauthorised access, alterations of data, failure and / or faulty operation of the user's electronic equipment.
5. The user is responsible for safekeeping and correct use of their personal information, including credentials that allow access to reserved services, as well as any damage that may derive from Superglamourous or third parties as a result of improper use or loss of such data.

Article 5 - Personal account
1. The user may register on the site to access products and/or services. The user will have an exclusively dedicated area on the website named "Account" through which, they can access and check the status of services requested.
2. When registering on the site, the user must provide a name, surname, tax code, e-mail address (hereafter "id") and a strictly personal access password. Both the id and the password cannot be used by two or more stations simultaneously and the user cannot transfer them to third parties, if not under their full and exclusive responsibility. In this regard, please note that the user will be considered responsible to the owner and any third party for any action, transaction and/or fact occurred and/or performed using the ID and/or password entered.
3. The user is required to keep their id and password secret and promptly inform the site of any unauthorised use or loss, by e-mail or registered mail so that the owner can suspend the delivery of services linked to the account.
4. Should an unauthorised access occur or the ID and/or password are lost more than three times, the site reserves the right to remove the user's account and the user cannot make any claims against the owner.
5. The owner cannot be held in any way responsible, directly or indirectly, in any form or on the basis of any liability regime, for injury or damage of any kind resulting from, or related to, failure to comply with the provisions set out in this article.
6. The owner may restrict a user's access to his customer area and/or suspend the use of the id and / or password if it considers that a substantial violation of the terms has taken place and in particular if the user makes an illicit or improper use of the site services.
7. The user will also be required to impede third parties from the following behaviors (not exhaustive and continuously updated):
  • uploading or creating within the customer area any data or content that is in violation of any law, regulation or right of third parties (including, among others, trade secrets or personal data of third parties); the use of the company's services for purposes other than ordinary access;
  • carry out actions of any kind and/or nature intended to circumvent, disable or interfere in any way with applications related to the security of site services or other applications that prevent, limit or restrict the use or copy of any material;
  • use of the site services for any illicit purpose or in violation of any applicable law;
  • interfere or damage the services and systems on the use by any user, by any means, including by uploading files or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, bugs or other harmful electronic tools;
  • carry out actions aimed at circumventing tools for the exclusion of robots or other measures that the site can use to prevent unauthorized access to services.
Article 6. Limitation of Liability
1. As indicated above, the owner carries out care and maintenance with the utmost diligence of the site and its contents, however, assumes no responsibility for the correctness, the completeness and timeliness of the data and information provided on the site or on the sites connected to it. Any responsibility for errors or omissions arising from the use of data and site information cannot be attributed to the owner.
2. The owner declines all responsibility, including the presence of errors, the correction of errors, the responsibility of the host server for the site; and is also not responsible for the use of information contained, their correctness and reliability. In no case, including negligence, will the owner be responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the use, or from the inability to use, materials on the site.

Article 7 - Restrictions on the provision of service
1. The owner cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from failure to provide the service due to incorrect or non-functioning of electronic means of communication due to causes outside of their control such as, but not limited to, malfunctioning of servers and other electronic devices, even if they are not part of the internet network, malfunction of installed software, computer viruses on the possible presence of viruses or other harmful computer components, as well as actions by hackers or other users with access to the network. The user therefore undertakes to hold the owner harmless from any liability and/or request in this regard.

Article 8 - Data processing
1. User data is processed in compliance with the provisions of the law on protection of personal data, as specified in the specific section containing the disclosure pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 and of the Article 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (Privacy Policy). For more information please access the privacy policy of the site at the following link:

Article 9 - Safeguard clause
1. Should one of the clauses of the present general conditions be void for any reason whatsoever, this shall not compromise the validity and legality of any other provision listed in the general terms and conditions of use.

Article 10 - Contacts
1. Any request for information can be sent by e-mail to the following address:, by telephone at the following telephone number: +393428538169, and by mail to the following address: Glam srl, c/o Boutique Superglamourous, Corso Venezia 29, 20121, Milan - ITALY.

Article 11 - Applicable law and jurisdiction
1. These general conditions of use are governed by Italian law and are interpreted on the basis of it, without prejudice to any other prevailing mandatory rule of the customer's residence. Therefore, the interpretation, execution and termination of the general conditions of use are subject exclusively to Italian law.
2. Any disputes concerning and/or consequent to them shall be resolved exclusively from the Italian judicial authority. In particular, if the purchaser is a consumer, any disputes must be settled by the court of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer according to the applicable law.

The General Terms And Conditions Of Use herein were drafted on 18 September 2020.

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